Staggenborg, Suzanne and Howard Ramos. 2023. Social Movements (4th edition). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Grant, Jill, Alan Walks, and Howard Ramos [Eds.]. 2020. Changing Neighbourhoods: Social and Spatial Polarization in Canadian Cities. Vancouver, UcnBC Press.
Henry, Frances, Enakshi Dua, Carl James, Audrey Kobayashi, Peter Li, Howard Ramos, and Malinda Smith. 2017. The Equity Myth: Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Ramos, Howard and Kathleen Rodgers [Eds.]. 2015. Protest and Politics: The Promise of Social Movement Societies. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Stanbridge, Karen and Howard Ramos. 2012. Seeing Politics Differently: A Brief Introduction to Political Sociology. Don Mills, On: Oxford University Press
Maehler, Débora; Steffen Pötzschke; *Nivedita Bhaktha and Howard Ramos. 2025. “Cultural Identity Development in Adult Forced Migrants: The Psychometrics of a Measure in Arabic, Spanish, and Ukrainian.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2024.102134.
Ramos, Howard. 2023. “Uncritical Sociology: Canadian Sociology at the Crossroads?” Canadian Review of Sociology. DOI: 10.1111/cars.12455
Ramos, Howard. 2023. “The Value of Normative Models for Understanding Pluralism.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13537113.2023.2271233
Stackhouse, Matthew; Howard Ramos; Karen Foster; and Mark CJ Stoddart. 2023. “Perceptions of Local Environment Change and Ecological Habitus.” Environment and Society 9(4): 445-462. https://doi.org/10.1080/23251042.2023.2234644
Stoddart, Mark C.J.; Howard Ramos; Karen Foster; Tuomas Ylä-Anttila. 2023 (published online 2021). “Competing Crises? Media Coverage and Framing of Climate Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Environmental Communication 17(3): 376-292.https://doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2021.1969978
Nakhaie, Reza, Howard Ramos, Fatima Fakih. 2022. “School Environment and Academic Persistence of Newcomer Students: The Roles of Teachers and Peers.” Journal of Teaching and Learning 16(1): 66-84.
Julia M. Wright, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Amanda Clarke, Matthew Herder, and Howard Ramos. 2022. “Protecting expert advice for the public: promoting safety and improved communications.” FACETS. 7: 482-508. https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2021-0181 (re-published Royal Society of Canada Report).
Nakhaie, Reza, Howard Ramos, Dara Vosoughi, and Obada Baghdadi. 2022. “Mental Health of Newcomer Youth Immigrants and Refugees During COVID-19.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 54(1): 1-28.
Ramos, Howard, Lisa Kaida, Diana Singh, Paul Pritchard, and Rocehlle Wijesingha. 2022 [online published in 2021]. “The power of a simple index of neighbourhood change: Challenging the perception that there is no such thing as simplicity in creating indexes.” Canadian Geographer 66(2): 322-336. DOI: 10.1111/cag.12711
Ramos, Howard and Patrick Bondy. 2021. “From the Pond to the Jumbotron: Affordances of Hockey as a Multicultural and Social Space.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 53(3): 219-239.
Cameron; Howard Ramos; Megan Aston; Marwa Kuri; Lois Jackson. 2021. ““COVID affected us all:” The birth and postnatal health experiences of resettled Syrian refugee women during COVID-19 in Canada.” BMC Reproductive Health 18(256): 1-11. DOI:10.1186/s12978-021-01309-2
Maehler, Débora B.; Steffen Pötzschke; Howard Ramos; und Paul Pritchard. 2021. “Design und Umsetzung empirischer Forschung zu geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen: Ein Literaturreview.” Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung 5(2):179-209.
McLay, Rachel and Howard Ramos. 2021. “Do Polarization Narratives Apply to Politics on the Periphery? The case of Atlantic Canada.” Frontiers in Sociology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2021.655880
Stirling Cameron, Emma; Megan Aston; Howard Ramos; Marwa Kuri; and Lois Jackson. 2021. “The Postnatal Experiences of Resettled Syrian refugee Women: Access to Healthcare and Social Support in Nova Scotia, Canada.” Midwifery. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2021.103171
Patrick Bondy and Howard Ramos. 2021. “Arenas of Solitude: Social Forms and Textures of Togetherness in Hockey.” Journal of Canadian Studies. https://doi.org/10.3138/jcs-2020-0012
Stoddart, Mark C.J.; Emma Cruddas and Howard Ramos. 2021. “Do Neighbourhood Environmental Perceptions Affect Practices?” Canadian Journal of Urban Research. 30(1): 67-82.
Stick, Max, and Howard Ramos. 2021. “Does Municipal Funding of Organizations Reflect Communities of Need.” Urban Research and Practice 14(2): 157-179. E-version printed in 2019. DOI: 10.1080/17535069.2019.1705382
Maehler, Débora, *Jessica Daikeler and Howard Ramos Clara Husson, and Thuy An Nguyen. 2021. “Identity of Children and Youth Affected by Migration: Insights from a Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Self and Identity 20(6): 715-740. https://doi.org/10.1080/15298868.2020.1765857 (pre-print 2020)
Zajacova, Anna, Anthony Jehn*, Matthew Stackhouse*, Kate H. Choi, Patrick Denice, Michael Haan, and Howard Ramos. 2020. “Mental health and economic concerns from March to May during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Insights from an analysis of repeated cross-sectional surveys.” SSM-Population Health 12: 100704.
Zajacova, Anna; Anthony Jehn, Matthew Stackhouse, Patrick Denice, and Howard Ramos.2020. “Changes in health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: sociodemographic disparities.” Canadian Journal of Public Health. DOI: 10.17269/s41997-020-00434-y
Barber, Brittany; McLay Rachel, Rainham, Daniel, and Howard Ramos. 2020. “Triangulating neighbourhoods: Techniques for improving geographic identification for survey and geocoded data“. Journal of Rural and Community Development.
Kaida, Lisa, Howard Ramos, Diana Singh, and Rachel McLay. 2020. “How to Capture Neighbourhood Change in Small Cities.” Canadian Studies in Population.
Maehler, Débora B., Steffen Pötzschke, Howard Ramos, Paul Pritchard, and Johanna Fleckenstein. 2020. “Studies on the Acculturation of Young Refugees in the Educational Domain: A Scoping Review of Research and Methods.” Adolescent Research Review.
Pritchard, Paul, Howard Ramos, Débora B. Maehler, Steffen Pötzschke. 2019. “Integrating Refugee Child and Youth: A Systematic Review of English and German Research Literature.” Journal of Refugee Studies 32(1): i94-i208. DOI:10.1093/jrs/fez024.
Stoddart, Mark C. J., Gary Catano, Howard Ramos, Kelly Vodden, Brennan Lowery, and Lenna Butters. 2019. “Collaboration Gaps and Regional Tourism Networks in Rural Coastal Communities.” Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
Kaida, Lisa, Howard Ramos, Diana Singh, Paul Pritchard, and Rochelle Wijesingha. 2019. “Can Rust Belt or Three Cities Explain the Sociospatial Changes in Atlantic Canadian Cities?” City & Community: 1-26.
Grant, Jill, Uytae Lee, Janelle Derksen, and Howard Ramos. 2019. “Neighbourhood Change and the Fate of Rooming Houses.” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 110(1): 54-69.
Ramos, Howard and Janelle Young. 2018. “Critical Events and the Funding of Indigenous Organizations.” Journal of Canadian Studies. 52(2): 570-590.
Stoddart, Mark C. J., Gary Catano, and Howard Ramos. 2018. “Navigating Tourism Development in Emerging Destinations in Atlantic Canada: Local benefits, Extra-Local Challenges.” Journal of Rural and Community Development 13(2): 57-75.
Grant, Jill L., Janelle Derksen, and Howard Ramos. 2018. “Regulating Marginality: How the Media Characterises a Maligned Housing Option.” International Journal of Housing Policy. DOI: 10.1080/19491247.2018.1436848.
Wijesingha, Rochelle and Howard Ramos. 2017. “Human Capital or Cultural Taxation: What Accounts for Differences in Tenure and Promotion of Racialized and Female Faculty?” Canadian Journal of Higher Education 47(3): 54-75.
Kay, Emma, Howard Ramos. 2017. “Do Subnational Governments Fund Organizations in Neoliberal Times? The Role of Critical Events in Provincial Funding of Women’s Organizations” American Behavioral Scientist 61(13): 1658–1678.
Ramos, Howard. 2017. “Sociology as Dangerous or Farce.” Canadian Review of Sociology. 54(3)-369-371.
Wilkes, Rima, Aaron Duong, Linc Kesler, and Howard Ramos. 2017. “Canadian University Acknowledgment and Recognition of Indigenous Lands, Treaties, and Peoples.” Canadian Review of Sociology 54(1): 89-120.
Potvin, Catherine et al. 2017. “Stimulating a Canadian Narrative for Climate.” Facets. 2: 131-149. DOI: 10.1139/facets-2016-0029
Frances Henry, Enakshi Dua, Audrey Kobayashi, Carl James, Peter Li, Howard Ramos, and Malinda S Smith. 2016. “Race, Racialization, and Indigeneity in Canadian Universities.” Race, Ethnicity and Education. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13613324.2016.1260226.
Beland, Daniel; Howard Ramos; and Karen Stanbridge. 2016. “Political Sociology is Dead. Long Live Political Sociology?” Canadian Review of Sociology 53(3): 223-339.
Ramos, Howard, Mark C. J. Stoddart, and David Chafe. 2016. “Assessing the Tangible and Intangible Benefits of Tourism: Perceptions of economic, social, and cultural impacts in Labrador’s Battle Harbour Historic District.” Island Studies Journal 11(1): 209-226.
Ramos, Howard. 2015. “Mapping the Field of Environmental Justice: Redistribution, Recognition and Representation in ENGO Press Advocacy.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 40(3): 309-329.
Krause, Caitlin and Howard Ramos. 2015. “Sharing the Same Waters.” British Journal of Canadian Studies 28(1): 23-41; doi:10.3828/bjcs.2015.2.
Stoddart Mark C.J.; Howard Ramos and David B. Tindall. 2015. “Environmentalists’ Media-Work for Jumbo Pass and the Tobeatic Wilderness, Canada: Combining text-centred and activist-centred approaches to news media and social movements.” Social Movement Studies 14(1): 75-91.
Hoffbauer, Andreas and Howard Ramos. 2014. “Social and Political Convergence on Environmental Events: The Roles of Simplicity and Visuality in the BP Oil Spill.” Canadian Review of Sociology 51(3): 216-237.
Ramos, Howard. 2014. “How New Models Can Rejuvenate Established Insights: Reaction and Critique of Elke Winter’s Us, Them, and Others.” Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI 10.1007/s12134-013-0308-2.
Prouse, Victoria; Howard Ramos; Jill Grant; and Martha Radice. 2014. “How Scale Matters: The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem and Interpreting Income Inequality in the Halifax Regional Municipality.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 23(1): Supplement pages 61-82.
Ramos, Howard. 2013. “From Ethnicity to Race in the Canadian Review of Sociology, 1964-2010.” Canadian Review of Sociology 50(3): 337- 356.
Stoddart Mark C.J. and Howard Ramos. 2013. “Going local: Calls for Local Democracy and Environmental Governance at Jumbo Pass and the Tobeatic Wilderness Area.” Interface 5(1): 229-252.
VanderPlaat, Madine, Howard Ramos and Yoko Yoshida. 2012. “What do Sponsored Parents and Grandparents Contribute?” Canadian Ethnic Studies 44(3): 79-96.
Ramos, Howard. 2012. “Does How You Measure Representation Matter?: Assessing the Persistence of Canadian Universities’ Gendered and Colour Coded Vertical Mosaic.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 44(2): 13-38.
Ramos, Howard. 2011. “How New Models Open Opportunities to Re-Understanding and Expanding Established Insights: Reaction and Critique of Elke Winter’s Us, Them, and Others.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 43(1-2): 265-275.
Ramos, Howard. 2008. “Opportunity for Whom?: Political Opportunity and Critical Events in Canadian Aboriginal Mobilization, 1951-2000.” Social Forces 87(2): 795-823.
Ramos, Howard; James Ron and Oskar N. T. Thoms. 2007. “Shaping the Northern Media’s Human Rights Coverage, 1986-2000.” Journal of Peace Research 44(4): 385-406.
Ramos, Howard. 2006. “What Causes Canadian Aboriginal Protest? Examining Resources, Opportunities and Identity, 1951-2000.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 31(2): 211-234.
Ron, James; Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers. 2006. “What Shapes the West’s Human Rights Focus?” Contexts 5(3): 23-28.
Ron, James; Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers. 2005. “Transnational Information Politics: NGO Human Rights Reporting, 1986-2000.” International Studies Quarterly 49(3): 557-587.
Ramos, Howard and Kevin Gosine. 2002. “The Rocket”: Newspaper Coverage of the Death of a Quebec Cultural Icon, A Canadian Hockey Player.” Journal of Canadian Studies 36(4): 9-31.
Ramos, Howard. 2000. “National Recognition without a State: Cree Nationalism within Canada.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 6(2): 95-115
Grant, Jill L., and Howard Ramos. 2020. “Halifax: Scaling inequality.” In Changing Neighbourhoods: Social and Spatial Polarization in Canadian Cities, edited by Jill L. Grant, Alan Walks and Howard Ramos. University of British Columbia Press.
Ramos, Howard. 2019. “Are Social Movements Still Relevant?” In The Future of Social Movements in Canada: the Proceedings of the Fourth S.D. Clark Symposium on the Future of Canadian Society. Oakville, ON: Rock’s Mills Press.
Frances Henry, Enakshi Dua, Audrey Kobayashi, Carl James, Peter Li, Howard Ramos, and Malinda S. Smith. 2019 (Reprint). “Race, Racialization, and Indignity in Canadian Universities.” In Building the Anti-Racist University, edited by Shirley Anne Tate and Paul Bagguley. London: Routledge.
Pritchard, Paul, Howard Ramos. 2018. “What Do We Know About Research on Refugee Children and Youth Integration in Canada?” In Immigration, Racial and Ethnic Studies in 150 Years of Canada: Retrospects and Prospects, edited by Lloyd Wong and Shibao Guo, 171-188. Boston, Brill Sense.
Hart, Randle; Howard Ramos; Karen Stanbridge; and John Veugelers. 2017. “Politics and Social Movements.” In Principles of Sociology (4th edition), edited by Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese. Don Mills, On: Oxford University Press.
Ramos, Howard, Martha Crago, Karim Kimmer. 2017. “Forward.” In Schriftenreihe; Structural Context of Refugees in Canada and Germany (Volume 15), edited by Anette Korntheuer, Paul Pritchard, and Debora B. Maehler. Berlin: GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
Ramos, Howard and Peter Li. 2017. “Differences in Representation and Employment Income of Racialized University Professors.” In The Equity Myth: Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities, edited by Frances Henry et al. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Wijesingha, Rochelle and Howard Ramos. 2017. “Academic Production, Reward, and Perceptions of Racialized Faculty.” In The Equity Myth: Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities, edited by Frances Henry et al. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Ramos, Howard and Karen Stanbridge. 2015. “Politics and Political Movements.” In Sociology: A Canadian Perspective (4th edition), edited by Lorne Tepperman, Patrizia Albanese and J. Curtis. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Ramos, Howard and Yoko Yoshida. 2015. “From Away, But Here to Stay? Trends in Why a Cohort of Recent Immigrants Left Atlantic Canada?” Pp. in Warmth of the Welcome: Is Atlantic Canada a Home Away from Home for Immigrants? E. Tastsoglou, B. Cottrell and A. Dobrowolsky [Eds.]. Sydney, NS: CBU press.
Yoshida, Yoko and Howard Ramos. 2013. “Destination Rural Canada: A Basic Overview of Recent Immigrants to Rural Small Towns.” Pp. 67-87 in The Social Transformation of Rural Canada: New Insights into Culture, Identity and Collective Action. John R. Parkins and Maureen G. Reed [eds]. Vancouver: UBC press.
Hart, Randle, Howard Ramos; Karen Stanbridge; and John Veugelers. 2013. “Politics and Social Movements.” In Principles of Sociology, edited by Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Ramos, Howard and Karen Stanbridge. 2012. “Politics and Political Movements.” In Sociology: a Canadian Perspective (3rd edition), edited by Lorne Tepperman, Patrizia Albanese and Jim Curtis. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Ramos, Howard. 2012. “Aboriginal Protest.” a special invited chapter in Social Movements (2nd edition), edited by Suzanne Staggenborg. Don Mills, On: Oxford University Press.
Ramos, Howard. 2011. “Atlantic Regional Chapter.” In SOC+, edited by Robert J. Brym and John Lie. Toronto: Nelson.
Ron, James; Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers. 2009 (reprint). “What Shapes the West’s Human Rights Focus?” In The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts (2nd edition), edited by Jeff Goodwin and James M. Jasper, 345-352. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ramos, Howard and Kevin Gosine. 2008 (reprint). “The Rocket”: Newspaper Coverage of the Death of a Quebec Cultural Icon, A Canadian Hockey Player.” In Nation and Society: Readings in Post-Confederation Canadian History (Volume 2), edited by Margaret Conrad and Alvin Finkel, 416-434. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada.
Ramos, Howard. 2008. “Aboriginal Protest.” In Social Movements, edited by Suzanne Staggenborg, 55-70. Don Mills, On: Oxford University Press.
Ramos, Howard. 2007. “Special Plus and Special Negative: the Conflict Between Perceptions and Applications of ‘Special Status’ in Canada.” In Race, Racialization, and Antiracism in Canada and Beyond, edited by Genevieve Fuji Johnson and Randy Enomoto, 131-150. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Ramos, Howard. 2001. “It Was Always There? Looking for Identity in All the (Not) So Obvious Places.” In Talking About Identity: Encounters in Race, Ethnicity, and Language, edited by Carl E. James and Adrienne Shadd, 104-114. Toronto: Between the Lines.
Ramos, Howard. 2000. “Identity and the Politics of Recognition: The Internal and External Uses of National Symbols by the James Bay Cree.” In Canada Observed: Perspectives from Abroad and from Within, edited by Jurgen Kleist and Shawn Huffman, 135-143. New York: Peter Lang.