Over the years I have taught a wide ranges of courses and worked with graduate students looking at social justice issues.

Currently, I am working with students looking at Mi'kmaq knowledge and health, the history of sociology, social movements and state funding, and alternative policy formation.

In the past, I have worked with students looking at social movements, media, environmentalism, human rights, immigration, international agenda and policy setting, masculinity and sports, Atlantic Canadian values, and Mi'kmaq and settler relations. I am open to working with those seeking to engage issues of inequity, politics, change, media, sports and society, urban issues, and immigration and refugee issues.

Additionally I am interested in working with students interested in developing social statistics and applied research as well as those interested in neighbourhood change and Atlantic Canada.

Courses for 2017-2018 Academic Year

SOSA 3402 Figuring Out Society (Research Methods)
SOSA 3190 Social Movements

Courses Taught in Previous Years

Is there an Atlantic Canada?
Issues in Social Justice
Ethnicity, Race and Nation
Media and Society
MA Seminar in Sociology and Social Anthropology
PhD Seminar in Sociology and Social Anthropology
People and Society
Quantitative Analysis for the Social Sciences I and II
Society, Politics annd Culture
Social Movements
Social Statistics
Survey Methods
Time and Space

howard.ramos@uwo.ca | @somardrawoh | (519) 661-2111 ext. 85142